Some posters have taken a less than accepting approach to the “addiction” and harmful aspects of porn…food for thought follows.

Found some useful info about “porn addiction”. AKA porn “compulsivity”, as “porn addiction is not actually (currently) an accepted term in clinical psychology, I’ve read.

Here’s an excerpt (if that’s allowed, moderator):

“Despite being ingested through the eyes and ears instead of the mouth or bloodstream, porn stimulates the reward and pleasure centers in the brain, instantly and dramatically, increasing the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with both sexual arousal and drug highs. In addition, using porn for sexual stimulation has been shown to increase production of other “feel-good” chemicals, such as adrenaline,endorphins, testosterone, and serotonin; with sexual climax, it releases powerful hormones related to falling in love and bonding, such as oxytocin and vasopressin

Research shows that, like compulsive gambling and shopping, porn use can lead to a “process addiction,” in which a person becomes ddicted to a set of behaviors (e.g.consuming porn) that, in turn, powerfully alter brain chemistry. The Internet and other electronic devices allow porn users to click through a never-ending stream of stimulating material as they look for just the right porn site, the sexual activity of interest, or the ultimate fantasy partner. Like a carefully calibrated slot machine, it rewards only intermittently, compelling the user to stay engaged and not give up. Users can end up looking at porn for longer and longer periods of time, often seeking riskier content to “hit the jackpot” of landing on an extremely stimulating image.” Google Wendy Maltz and husband Larry Maltz.

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Last-modified: 2021-04-17 (土) 00:23:44 (1105d)