Thai massage is a favored form of traditional Thai medicine. The technique draws heavily on Ayurvedic as well as traditional Chinese traditional Chinese. Contrary to the majority of Western-style massages it is not typically involving lying on a massage table. Instead, a skilled massage professional gently presses your muscles and points his or her hands.Thai massage is not focused on relaxation of the body. Instead it is about allowing the body to relax through the use of friction and stretching with soft, flowing strokes. This holistic type of physical therapy incorporates breathing exercises mudras and music along with other methods. Traditional Thai massage aims to reduce stress, encourage relaxation and improve wellbeing. A majority of those who have tried it say it is a very enjoyable and relaxing experience, but some feel it is uncomfortable and unpleasant due to being laid on a flat hard massage mattress.Researchers also published a study in Annals of Internal Medicine that concluded that Thai massage reduced tension headaches. Patients suffering from mild to moderate tension headaches were randomly allocated one of three treatments, all of which involved massage techniques. The results showed that the effect of all the three treatments was more than any one treatment on its own.In a different study, researchers found that Thai massage could be a great way to alleviate knee pain, neck back pain, and neck pain. One group of nurses in Pennsylvania took care of a group of patients suffering from low back pain by performing Thai massages on patients each throughout the week for six weeks. During this time, the nurses reported that the majority of patients showed improvements. trial lasted for six weeks, and there were not any serious adverse reactions. The massage was not as painful than the non-thai massage.The Department of Physical Therapy at University of Wisconsin-Madison conducted a third study that evaluated the effectiveness of Thai massage as a stretching method. The study was conducted with a controlled group that was given stretching exercises and an Thai massage. Two groups of 24, took part in stretching exercises and the other received a Thai massage every week for two hours. After the four-week study, the group that received the Thai massage showed significantly more flexibility than the control group. The variations in muscle strength and flexibility between the two groups were not significant.The majority of these techniques require stretching. In some cases your body might not allow the most effective stretches. For instance the Swedish massage places a huge lot of pressure on massive muscle groups. If these muscles are not properly stretched, the person could be in pain or suffer strain. As with the previous example, the Thai massage might not fully stretch the muscles deep enough. This could lead to oversensitivity and a different cause for pain or discomfort.Researchers did not find any difference between Thai and Swedish massages in terms of ease of movement or relief from pain. Perhaps more surprisingly, researchers discovered that Thai massage didn't have any significant effect on performance in athletics. Of course, there is always the chance that athletes receiving Thai massages had greater flexibility than the athletes who received other types of stretching. The athletes who received Thai massage were but more likely to experience better ease of pain and improved flexibility.Researchers concluded that Thai massage can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Since it improves flexibility, it could be beneficial for athletes. It can also be helpful in alleviating discomfort. It is most important to note that traditional Thai massage has been used for hundreds of years by Thai martial art practitioners.

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Last-modified: 2021-10-23 (土) 04:48:06 (924d)